Abhijeet Gaurav

I am a recent Purdue. grad. I graduated from Purdue University in May 2017 with a triple-major in Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics with a concentration in Machine Intelligence and a certificate in Learning Beyond Classroom. I love coding and solving mathematical problems. Currently, I work at Amazon in Seattle as a full-time Software Development Engineer.

Public Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhiga
Resume: Click here
Email: abhijeet.grv@gmail.com
Cell Phone:(646)220-2358



Github link: https://github.com/abhiga

Courses Taken

Computer Science:
CS471 (Artificial Intelligence)
CS490 (Latch Free Data Structures)
CS473 (Web Information Search And Management)
CS390DMO (Data Mining & Machine Learning)
CS390LA (C++ Programming)
CS390LB (Advanced Java)
CS483 (Theory Of Computation)
CS381 (Analysis of Algorithms)
CS348 (Information Systems)
CS252 (Systems Programming)
CS251 (Data Structures & Algorithms)
CS250 (Computer Architecture)
CS240 (Programming in C)
CS182 (Foundations of Computer Science)
CS180 (Object Oriented Programming)

MA366 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
MA362 (Topics Vector Calculus)
MA353 (Linear Algebra II with applications)
MA341 (Foundations Analysis)
MA351 (Linear Algebra)
MA279 (Modern Mathematics)

STAT512 (Applied Regression Analysis)
STAT420 (Time Series Analysis)
STAT417 (Statistical Theory)
MA416 (Probability)
STAT350 (Intro to Statistics)

Last Updated: 06/23/17, 07:56:09PM